The Musician Centric Podcast
Two professional violists, Liz O'Hara and Stephanie Knutsen, explore diverse perspectives in the music field through conversations together and with friends. Whether gaining fresh insights from industry innovators or laughing their way through a show like Mozart in the Jungle, Liz and Steph hope to inspire musicians, particularly freelancers, to feel a sense of agency in their lives.
**Note: This podcast was formerly titled the ViolaCentric podcast**
The Musician Centric Podcast
Mozart in the Jungle Recap! Season 2, Episode 3
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Join us as we rewind the scenes of the sometimes-celebrated TV show, "Mozart in the Jungle"! Rodrigo finds out what too many bacchanals means for his housing status and Bradford moves in with Lizzie and Hailey. Gloria reveals a 'shocking' new talent and we're introduced to a very charming oboist with a wealth of musical experiences, but it's all leading us up to Hailey's inevitable debut with the NYSO. Because 5th oboe always goes on tour, right?
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Episode edited by: Liz O’Hara
ViolaCentric Theme by: JP Wogaman, www.wogamusic.com
Additional music by: Freddy Hall with www.musicforpodcasts.com
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Welcome to the Musician-Centric Podcast. We are two freelance violists living and laughing our way through conversations that explore what it means to be a professional musician in today's world. I'm Steph.
Speaker 2:And I'm Liz, and we're so glad you've joined us. Let's dive in.
Speaker 1:It's always an awkward start. It feels like how do we start this if we're not like gossiping before?
Speaker 2:I know, I know, yeah, for our friends who only listen to Mozart episodes or Mozart recap episodes, we do a lot of chit chat before we get into the real deal in an interview, so it's kind of funny.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that part is not fit for general consumption. No, no.
Speaker 2:But when we do these, we just jump right in to these crazy.
Speaker 1:Yes, and that's kind of how I felt when this started. Crazy, because you know nothing about this episode. It's called it All Depends on you. And what we see at first is Rodrigo in rehearsal. He's on the podium, he's conducting and the musicians are not playing. And I wrote oh my God, they're not playing. Exclamation point, exclamation point, like five exclamation points. And then, oh, okay, this is a dream.
Speaker 2:Well, it's funny too, because they're like At first, at first they're like, oh, we're just kidding, and then it gets really dystopian, like Betty's chewing on a celery stalk really loudly.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. At first I thought it was like a protest.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Like a.
Speaker 2:Like a union, like a strike.
Speaker 1:Contract negotiation yeah Me too, protest.
Speaker 2:And then it was like no, this is a nightmare.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, I mean, that would be a nightmare too.
Speaker 2:I mean that would definitely be a nightmare Also, I feel like he was kind of feeling like he was in a nightmare even when he woke up.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes. So Warren. In the dream, Warren hits him with a conducting baton. It's like what?
Speaker 2:did, I do.
Speaker 1:And he's in bed. And he's in bed with the drum circle girl. So this is a direct continuation of the last episode, where he falls into bed with her. Gloria calls on the phone and she's like what are you doing? Yeah, she's like what you doing.
Speaker 2:Hey buddy, what's going on over there?
Speaker 1:Well, apparently the super or the landlord who I've ever has called her, reporting that he's having some sort of orgy party An orgy.
Speaker 2:Oh, can I back up for a second though? Yes, did you catch this quote that this drum circle girl says to him about his skin? She says it's like I don't understand it. She says it's like a goat skin pouch where I can keep all my jewels.
Speaker 1:I don't know she's done some experimenting with some illicit substances, I think.
Speaker 2:I wonder if he had a moment of being like Am I too old for this? Like there was.
Speaker 1:Yes, well, that comes later in the episode, for sure.
Speaker 2:Okay. So yeah, it's not an orgy, though I didn't know what to expect, as we were walking out to the living room with Rodrigo.
Speaker 1:Right, yeah. Well, what we see is that there's a party still raging in his apartment.
Speaker 2:Still going strong.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, and the super, mr Hamburg. Mr Hamburg, he's like the landlord of the super. He's come to tell him that he's finally affected no more.
Speaker 2:Baca Nals in his apartment.
Speaker 1:Yeah, shocking.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I don't know. It was really interesting. That whole interaction with Rodrigo was like he's looking around and he's trying to tell them to leave and he's like nobody's listening to me, and then he's like I wonder if he thought it was still in a dream and then he said it's a sign which I love about him, so it's like okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he does seem like he's on your wavelength.
Speaker 2:He's not attached to the apartment, he's just like okay, I can't be here anymore.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so he packs up Time to go. He tells everybody to get out. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yep, yeah. And then we transition over to a scene with our girls and Bradford and I wrote down is Bradford actually kind of adorable? Oh yeah, I'm a big fan I was not until this episode, but from that first scene when he's like so jet, lagged and so tired, their interaction was like very, very cute.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I wrote. He and Lizzie are in the honeymoon phase. It's a little cute, but it's also a little annoying. They're like you ever had those friends who are like newly dating and everything that the other one does is cute and adorable. And you're like, oh my God, spare me. Yes, yes.
Speaker 2:Totally, I did write B.
Speaker 1:Bradford, bradford, bradford, that's his name, right it is.
Speaker 2:Bradford right I said that. I wrote that, but now I'm second guessing myself.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's being a little annoying.
Speaker 2:He's being whiny, did you think?
Speaker 1:he was being yes, I like it a grip. Lizzie was on the same trip as you and she looks fresh as a daisy Lizzie's.
Speaker 2:she's made of something special. I think so. Then we have literally the polar opposite of the honeymoon stage, with Alex's entrance.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he comes out and he's very excited. He's very excited about something. There's this really funny thing that Lizzie says she says he comes out like pumping his fist and he just got off the phone with somebody. Lizzie says did your test come back negative? Your test results come back negative and he goes. He goes. No, that was yesterday.
Speaker 2:I know I caught that too. I was like what?
Speaker 1:That was a good one too, there.
Speaker 2:I thought that was really good. I didn't know what tester was. It was very funny.
Speaker 1:Well, I think we're to assume that it's a special kind of test.
Speaker 2:It makes all the difference in the world knowing that our faces are on Patreon, because I'm like people are going to see my face with all expression to you. I'm like, how did Hailey feel about that? I mean, yeah, right, I know, ok, anyway, yeah, no, he's very excited about a different call.
Speaker 1:Right. So he got a call from his agent who says that he's made it on this reality show called Dance House. Don's House, don's House.
Speaker 2:I spelled it D-A-N-C-H-A-U-S.
Speaker 1:It's something like German, Germanic or something.
Speaker 2:I think it's what he was doing that dumb audition for right.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But he got on.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah, it's exciting. But also oh, just to rewind a little bit, bradford says that he's going to be shooting at the Ferndale, and I have no idea what that is, but shooting a podcast, I don't understand that either, but anyway. So he invited Lizzie and Hailey to come along to his podcast shoot. Whatever that is Right, but anyway, back to Alex. So he made it on this reality show. Hailey is excited, she wants to throw a party and I wrote that OK, this is the point where they go split-ski.
Speaker 2:It's like you're leaving me. Let me throw you a party.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she's like clearly excited. Oh, best problems out of my hair.
Speaker 2:You know, though I mean I guess, but if you get some really exciting career opportunity and your partner's excited for you, that's healthy, right? I feel like there's an underlying current to the storyline that I'm very troubled, by which we will talk about towards the end of the episode, because I get really annoyed at the end of the episode. But it's just like he comes out and he's like oh, I got on the show and it's going to be so amazing. And then she's like great. And his reaction is like wait, you're not upset, you know. It's like she's just happy for you, dude, like who knows what's going on with her interests.
Speaker 1:Well, she seems like she has a very securely attached style and he's kind of anxious, totally.
Speaker 2:But this is the thing that annoys me about that character is he was not like that last episode or last season. They totally made him into some clingy, whiny, you know what, so that they could get rid of him.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, they're engineering us to not like him.
Speaker 2:Which is not that he was not like this at all last season. No, he was sweet.
Speaker 1:He was pretty secure.
Speaker 2:Maybe his anxious tendons just started to come out.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:So yeah, and also she wore his white tights like ruined them. There was a whole storyline.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, she stretched them out. I'm like girl, I feel you. I feel you because I feel like I'm always the one in a relationship with the bigger thoughts. Like will I ever date a man who has bigger thighs than me? I don't know. I've been at that point in my life, maybe.
Speaker 2:Never know what could happen with Aaron in the next decade.
Speaker 1:He'll become a bodybuilder.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, he might really build some muscle down there. You never know who knows To be fair. Alex has very skinny legs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah for a dancer, that's kind of unusual, yeah aren't they usually? Really muscular.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean.
Speaker 1:But anyway.
Speaker 2:But also, why is she borrowing his tights? That's gross, I don't understand.
Speaker 1:Maybe she thought they were hers.
Speaker 2:These lines of conversation are cracking me up. It's just like so silly how much they throw in there that she's not upset, that he's going to be gone, even though she's clearly just saying go do your thing, Like that's really great, Anyway. So on to the next scene.
Speaker 1:Yes, we come upon Nina and the orchestra committee at their having drinks. They're looking at the contract.
Speaker 2:We're feeling triggered. Yes, we're feeling triggered, yes.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:I watched it. What did Cynthia say at the very beginning of it? She was like something like not being too aggressive, like she was like she wanted to be nicer.
Speaker 1:Right, I did actually write. I have PTSD from contracting negotiations.
Speaker 2:It's true, it's no joke.
Speaker 1:But the double entendres are plentiful. One of them is like I can go hard. There's a lot of there's a lot.
Speaker 2:There's a lot Hitting us over the head with it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so Nina and Cynthia get up to go use the restroom.
Speaker 2:Together. And what happens? They make out passionately, very awkwardly. And they elevate her. Is this the first time they've kissed?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was awkward. It was like a bump and then they started to kiss, like it was. Yeah, I mean, maybe that's how it would go. If you're like just in the heat of the moment, maybe it's not that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know. It made me feel very awkward about it, like it doesn't seem, like maybe Cynthia doesn't do that all the time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yes.
Speaker 1:Anyway, Meanwhile the guys are like drinking heavily. That's the best way to get through a contract negotiation.
Speaker 2:It really made me think, like on our next meeting, we should do it in the evening and we should have cocktails in hand. Yeah, we need to bring that up to our committee.
Speaker 1:Yeah, maybe more people will come to like.
Speaker 2:Happy hour.
Speaker 1:The orchestra meetings. Yeah, we're all drinking.
Speaker 2:Sidebar for our lives. I just have to point out this ridiculously stupid line that what's his name? Union Bob says when she walks out oh wait, what did he say? Because she's come back from the bathroom and he goes tinkle, tinkle, little star.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, that was really inappropriate.
Speaker 2:Well, also, it was just so stupid Gross yeah. I'm weird Creepy and yeah, ew.
Speaker 1:Never would I say that to anyone, not even in my household.
Speaker 2:You should say it to the girls the next time we go to the bathroom.
Speaker 1:I will not be doing that.
Speaker 2:Okay, so we haven't really gotten anywhere with the negotiations, but Cynthia made out with someone. That's what we got from that.
Speaker 1:No, Okay. So then we find out that Gloria has agreed to host Rodrigo at her place since he's been evicted and he just has one very small suitcase that has his necessities in it. I noticed this from several points here on out about the rat tail, that it's still there. And it's even weirder and looks even less like it has actual hair in it.
Speaker 2:Maybe we're inching our way towards getting rid of it once and for all.
Speaker 1:I hope so. Maybe Gloria convinces him to like.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she seems like she wouldn't be really into a rat tail look.
Speaker 1:A rat tail no.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I love this, I love the scene, I like her place. Her place has a vibe and I really like it. And I like that. He's like I have everything I need right here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's low maintenance.
Speaker 2:He's just the best.
Speaker 1:Aw. But then finally we get to hear Bernadette Peters sing.
Speaker 2:Exactly I wrote. Bernadette Peters gets to sing with that smiley face, with the hearts around it so excited.
Speaker 1:Finally it's so great. They really buried the lead. This is like a whole season and a half in.
Speaker 2:I wonder if they didn't initially anticipate her using her singing voice at all, Like if they wrote it into the show they must have, they must have.
Speaker 1:She's like a Broadway star. Yeah, it's a legend.
Speaker 2:It's amazing. And they had this beautiful exchange about how she's like, oh, I couldn't possibly. He wants her to sing like on stage. And she's like I couldn't possibly. I'm surrounded by these amazing professionals. I'm just an amateur. And he said that amateur comes from the Latin word amare, which means to love, and so you do something for the love of it, and that's like what an amateur does. I was like that is so lovely, Uh-huh, it's a great sentiment.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I love that he had some good quotes in that moment too.
Speaker 1:Yeah he says, well, he had this one. That I was just kind of. This is kind of cringy. We are all notes in our existence. If we don't play ourselves, no one will. It's true, it's true, but I kind of cringe at that. Come on.
Speaker 2:This is the difference between you and me.
Speaker 1:I know I love it, though.
Speaker 2:No, I wrote that as well, but I mean of course at the core. It just means like, if she has this gift and she doesn't use it, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I agree with the sentiment. I just thought the words were.
Speaker 2:And she's like humming at the end of the scene, so I think she's feeling inspired, which might mean we get her in concert.
Speaker 1:Maybe she can like help the.
Speaker 2:New York Symphony. Bring some life into it, or something they need something I do need something Located in a historic mansion in Tacoma Park, Maryland. You might get the impression that the team at Potter Violence are as formal as the breathtaking building that they work in, but when you go inside instead, you'll find the most relatable, skilled and friendly staff.
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Speaker 1:So if you're in the area, definitely stop by and introduce yourself to Chris, Rob Kimberly, Derek, Jim, Melissa and the whole team, or visit potterviolinscom to find what you need online.
Speaker 2:It's so fitting, then, that their shop is in this beautiful old house, because the staff at Potters really makes it feel like home.
Speaker 1:So the next scene they're on set at this Ferndale house which is where it's apparently got a lot of history as far as musicians are concerned and they meet this older gentleman. His name is Marcello Gallatelli. Yes, gallatelli, he's an oboist. Is that his real life name?
Speaker 2:We need to look him up. I meant to.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I meant to also, but let's see You're gonna Google. Yeah, he had a completely different name in the credits, it was Anton something.
Speaker 2:But maybe that person is an oboist, or you're right, maybe someone named Gallatelli was an oboist and he was playing Gallatelli. Yeah, I get the feeling this is like a retirement home that houses a lot of musicians, but maybe it's an apartment building that houses a lot of musicians. I guess we'll find out.
Speaker 1:Okay, hang on.
Speaker 2:This whole scene was so precious. I loved everything about it. I wrote this is my favorite scene in this show Same same.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I have like really fond memories of when I was in Philly I studied with, I took rep class with someone who was in his late 70s, early 80s at the time, and I had coachings with a cellist who was in his 90s at the time, both like just Philadelphia historians basically, and especially with the rep class, we would go to this person's house and so it was very much like a historic home in Philadelphia and he would sit there and he would sit there and he would just tell the stories and it was like it was the best it was. So I love this scene too, so much.
Speaker 1:Just made me so happy. I had a teacher Ray Scavelli, that's right who, oh, it's a former member of the National Symphony, and my lessons would literally be no less than two hours long, no less, and most of the times he would be telling me about all these conductors who he played under. Yeah, yes, like it was just unbelievable, just the history and the stories, and so I loved this. So, yeah, he's telling her all these stories and, and he has a couple oboes and he's like, yeah, this is the one I use for Baroque and this is the one I use for everything else. And he's like you should play it. And I'm like, okay, and she pulls out a read and I'm like where's this read from?
Speaker 2:Oboists.
Speaker 1:Oboists. Do you share reads? Do you keep your reads?
Speaker 2:or do you just like keep reads in your purse like at all times, just in case?
Speaker 1:I bet they do.
Speaker 2:It's a question for Alicia, yeah. Yeah, I bet they do yeah it was just like so delightful all the way around, except that she just like, whips out a read and plays an obo and isn't warmed up at all, and she just plays a beautiful solo from Cherizad. So you know, like they do.
Speaker 1:But yeah, yeah, he was talking about Puccini, that Puccini opera, and they're playing it in the soundtrack. And I'm like friend, that is not an obo solo in the beginning, that is a clarinet solo yeah, I know. Are we supposed to be listening to the obo solo? Because that's how that is it's a clarinet solo.
Speaker 2:But yeah, and we find out at the end of this episode oh my gosh, they're making cocktails. It's just like so great. We found out at the end of the episode that Hailey decides, you know, she's going to let Brad and Lizzie do their thing, because they're really doing well, and she's going to move out on her own Right, right.
Speaker 2:So that's what I'm wondering. If this is an apartment building that like she's going to live in, then I know it's not a retirement home, but I was kind of thinking it was like a retirement home, but maybe not. I don't know. I guess we'll see. Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 1:It's just so good. What a happy encounter in there in the courtyard they met this wonderful.
Speaker 2:The whole. Thing.
Speaker 1:Musicians.
Speaker 2:So good, so good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and then we flash to this random scene where there's this conductor having a heart attack on a treadmill whilst conducting Beethoven 5. He overexerted himself Really really hard, yeah, he got too into it and, oh my God, he's called heart attack guy in the credit. No, his character does not even have a name Heart attack guy.
Speaker 2:I love it. I was like I wrote, OMG, who is this guy that fell off the treadmill to Beethoven 5 with a laughing bass? And then I wrote, wait, he died.
Speaker 1:Yes, he died, and apparently he was the guest conductor that was supposed to conduct the New York Symphony on the next concert. So they had to find somebody new, called around to all their usuals and they came across this guy whose name is Lennox yes, he's a prodigy, apparently prodigy conductor and Rodrigo. This is a surprise to Rodrigo. So he comes in while rehearsal is already in progress and he comes on stage. This guy is conducting and they have a couple words. And he's young, he's cute he goes.
Speaker 2:Two of my idols from the older generation, yes, and of course, thomas is unbothered because he's been through it already.
Speaker 1:Yeah. And so he has this line where he says what am I supposed to do? This Ferrari is idling with the keys in it, referring to the symphony.
Speaker 2:Wouldn't the orchestra just be like who is this guy?
Speaker 1:That's a stretch.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, he's a personality. He's going to be one to watch. Yeah, His entrance is very brief and then you hear a baby cry.
Speaker 1:He turns around, there's a surprise baby.
Speaker 2:A leg ranon tropos on his back. Yes, I roll emoji, I roll major. I wrote oh boy, but I guess Lennox is going to be a new dynamic to deal with.
Speaker 1:I like it. He's going to spice things up. Yes, make Rodrigo feel old, exactly. So then we see that Haley and Alex are taking a walk by the river, and here we are. This is what you said earlier.
Speaker 2:Saw this coming.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Alex is upset, that Hailey isn't upset. Yeah, and she's what kind that is like the worst argument to have.
Speaker 2:She's just like being positive about his gig and he's like he says, don't manage my feelings. And then all of a sudden he turns around and he's managing hers, right? No, he's a big he's a big, gigantic baby. You did your job. Writers.
Speaker 1:He's a loser and I'm excited that he's going to Don's house. Yeah, but he is more appropriate for her than Rodrigo.
Speaker 2:She isn't met her guy yet.
Speaker 1:Arguably, anyway. Anyway, if he had been like season one, alex, yeah, you're right, season one Alex was great.
Speaker 2:Season two Alex go away. We're done with you.
Speaker 1:So, and then they're back on the softball diamond.
Speaker 2:With the Broadway jazz bands as their opponent. Jazz hands.
Speaker 1:The jazz hands. I missed it. I saw that they were doing jazz hands.
Speaker 2:But I did not realize that was the team name.
Speaker 1:That's their team name With the Broadway jazz hands.
Speaker 2:The maestro's hiding in the tree. Yes, because he doesn't want to beat a bad guy because he's not the bad guy. He's not meant to be the bad guy.
Speaker 1:He didn't want to cancel their softball season, nope. But then again and he's still hurt that Hailey had fun at the donor event and then, like get over it, she had a couple drinks. She probably improved donor relations that night.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't even know that he is aware. I don't think he's aware at all of how he feels. I think he's like clueless about it. He just bothered, but he doesn't know that he's bothered. He doesn't know why he's bothered, and that's going to come to a head at some point, right yeah.
Speaker 1:Probably pretty soon here.
Speaker 2:But in the meantime, oh, what did he say? He said I'm glad you're not getting distraction by the social distractions.
Speaker 1:It's like literally what he said why he's one to talk who just had an orgy at his house. I think it was him.
Speaker 2:Oh my god, can we back up for a second? We just forgot to mention this in the scene when he was at Gloria's house and he's using her eye cream and he has it just like as a. He's using it like you know, like war paint, Like he has it like around his eyes, and then he goes in and they're talking about like just him and he's asking her.
Speaker 2:He asked her if he thinks she has. She thinks he has goatskin. I don't remember her response, but it made me laugh that he was like insecure about it. But, also I was like that didn't make any, that common made no sense. So it's very funny Anyway. Ok, I'm sorry I went out of order but had to. No, that's fine.
Speaker 1:That's great. And then Betty yeah, so there's some trash talking going on. Betty is at bat and the pitcher and she are having some words about I don't know. They're just trading insults back and forth. Well, it gets so heated that Betty rushes the rushes the mound.
Speaker 2:He hits her, he throws the ball at, he hits her with it, which says she rushes them in a real baseball game. That is. That's, that's like a fight waiting to happen. Yeah, I was thinking that was the injury. I was like, oh no, he hit her shoulder, like she's not going to be able to play, and then, yeah, she rushes the pitching.
Speaker 1:And she hurts her finger.
Speaker 2:Like breaks it, we see it.
Speaker 1:And she can't oboe.
Speaker 2:She can't oboe because she breaks her finger, which of course then means Rodrigo was right about the softball team.
Speaker 1:Yeah, actually yes.
Speaker 2:So we end the.
Speaker 1:And then so she's like so I guess you're the one, Haley, that's going to Mexico, Right? And I was like, why, in all caps? Why is Haley going to Mexico? She's a sub.
Speaker 2:Or if she is, she shouldn't be playing principle.
Speaker 1:It should be someone from the section no, she's like fifth chair. Didn't we hash that out last season? Maybe she's been.
Speaker 2:She's like fifth in line. Maybe she's been playing third or fourth recently. Maybe they have to take three or four, I don't know. Did we talk about this Alicia? How many do they have rostered, like actually rostered? Is it three?
Speaker 1:Oh, I forget.
Speaker 2:Richmond has two and then an English horn slash.
Speaker 1:third Right, that's usually the way it is, but maybe for things like maybe they've programmed Mahler, whatever it was they were talking about eight.
Speaker 2:But seriously though, she's going to play principle on the tour. That's insane. That would never happen. It would never happen.
Speaker 1:No, but we're going to see it happen.
Speaker 2:Brace myself.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:I'm going to brace myself, yeah, so.
Speaker 1:You know what it is I feel like attacked for the second, third and fourth shares, oboe.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she's like. Yeah, they're going to be like I earned this job and this girl's just going to jump ahead of me in line.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know, and she's fine, but she's no like I don't know. She could get what's his name? Yeah, marcello Gallia Telli.
Speaker 2:She doesn't have enough experience.
Speaker 1:No, Anyway. So that's the way this one wraps, that we learn that Haley is going to Mexico.
Speaker 2:So what if that means Mexico is the next? I wonder if the tour is happening in the next episode. Cool, I know I wouldn't mind. That'd be very Rodrigo heavy probably.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:No, I can't get enough. Except it would be nice if he would cut the rat tail off.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah, that would be good. That would be good character development in my book.
Speaker 2:Yes, so we'll pick up with that one in a couple weeks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let us know. Let us know if the rat tail is bothering you, I know, I want to know. And maybe we're just really sensitive to hair, just really picky. Do us Anyway, join us next time.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for listening today. If you loved this episode, consider writing us a five star review on Apple Podcasts, amazon Music, spotify or wherever you listen.
Speaker 1:Thanks also to our season sponsor, Potter Violence.
Speaker 2:If you'd like to support the podcast and get access to bonus content, consider joining our Patreon community.
Speaker 1:You can buy all your Musician-centric merch, including shirts, water bottles, koozies and a variety of other fun items.
Speaker 2:Our theme music was written and produced by JP Wogelman and is performed by Stefan Myself.
Speaker 1:Our episodes are produced by Liz O'Hara and edited by Emily McMahon.
Speaker 2:Thanks again for listening. Let's talk soon. Stayinghouseelbphilipinddad era Fox News El Nas.